Tea Festival Time

I am drinking tea like crazy. Having 87 different teas on my shelves is not conducive to buying more at the NW Tea Festival, coming up in October. I have to get rid of some tea, or I will not be buying any tea.

Well, ok, drink up. And that is exactly what I am doing. Black tea, green. White tea, yellow. Rooibos. Herbal. Puer. For heaven’s sake, where did I get all these teas? Oh wait, maybe the last NW Tea Festival.

This is a blessing and a curse, having 87 teas on my shelf. I am just one person, drinking tea. I invite friends over for tea. I now know my neighbors, because of tea. My clients are now drinking tea. And I am drinking tea.

In October, I will be drinking different teas. Hello NW Tea Festival. October 4th & 5th, at Fischer Pavilion, at the Seattle Center. 

See you there. I will be sampling, and buying, everything.